Recipe Card and SEO/Google Search Console warning

HI Folks,
I recently setup Recipe Card plugin - (there were certain features we did not opt to use such as user rating and videos) and Google indexed it and sent me the following message:

Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 10 Guided recipes issues:

Top Warnings

Warnings are suggestions for improvement. Some warnings can affect your appearance on Search; some might be reclassified as errors in the future. The following warnings were found on your site:

Missing field “aggregateRating”

Either “image” or “video” should be specified

Missing field “nutrition.calories”

Missing field “video”

Missing field “url”

We recommend that you fix these issues when possible to enable the best experience and coverage in Google Search.

I am wondering if anyone has tips on how to navigate this. I don’t want our SEO to suffer from the use of this plugin. Thanks for your suggestions.


Hi @kerin

What’s the link to your website?

If the warnings are marked with orange, they are simply recommendations and won’t affect your SEO results if you don’t add these details to your recipes. If the errors are marked with red, you should add those details to your recipe card, so that SEO won’t be affected.

Yes, Ina, they are marked in orange. Is there anything proactive I could do other than introducing features we don’t want to display or don’t have (like videos)?
Site is
thanks for your response!!

Hi, @kerin

As I have explained before, if they are marked with orange, they won’t affect the SEO of your website. You should simply leave the fields blank or hidden if you don’t want to add certain recipe details.