Site speed for mobile device visitors


I find my blog takes a long time to load on mobile devices.

I am wondering if any suggestions to improve or obvious things I am doing wrong with my blog.

Thanks, Warren

Hi @Warren,

You can find in this article many useful tips:

Also, you have a very large video in the slideshow (~24MB), so I recommend you either to optimize and reduce its size or embed a Vimeo/YouTube video:

Thanks Pavel.

I have had some good success. My progress was as follows:

I tried two of the cache plugins but my hosting says it has built in cache and CDN. I was not able to install WP Super Cache and adding WP Fastest Cache caused the site to stop working so I removed.

Next I installed Autoptimize plugin.
Score went from mobile 32 to mobile 54 and desktop 87. A huge improvement.
I just ticked the boxes activating optimising of JS, CSS and HTML, not lazy load images - I found that would cause some of my photos (in posts with many images) to not display or half display then get stuck.

With the video I tried a smaller 3MB video then no video at all however the improvement was couple milliseconds so I went back to the 24MB video (already optimised with Handbrake).

Well I’m happy with results, running much faster now thanks.